Enhanced Access Reporting for PCNs & Enterprise

Enhanced Access Reporting for PCNs & Enterprise

One of the primary advantages of setting up Apex Enterprise for your PCN is the ability to report on Enhanced Access appointments offered across the PCN/practices collectively. This article will walk you through the requirements for establishing the reporting mechanism, as well as a step-by-step guide for utilising Custom Reporting for Enterprise. This article is working on the assumption that you have an established Apex Enterprise for the PCN. For more details on this process, please click here to view our article on Apex Enterprise | Navigation and Setup Information.

Capturing Enhanced Access Data

Firstly, we will need to assess how this data is captured across the PCN, Place or ICB. Do you have the quality of data required across your organisation to give meaningful insight?
For example, if you want to evaluate use of Enhanced Access, are all your users recording Enhanced Access appointments in the same format?
Apex allows you to filter appointment data based on Session Holders, Session Categories and Slot Types. The recording of this data at source must be understood to allow for consistent and accurate mapping. 
If so, we can begin requesting this data of the practices in your PCN by creating an Enterprise Service request. 
Please view this article on Building & Amending Apex Services for more information and considerations on data quality and the mapping process. 

Requesting an Enterprise Service

The main utility for sharing data between practice level Apex and Enterprise level Apex are the Services. There are further resources within our user guides that describe how this operates, but essentially a Service is a pre-defined criteria based on Session Holders, Session Category and Slot Types that will filter appointment data to leave only the desired result. Enhanced Access is a good example of this as in order to report on this data, there will need to be a specification made to avoid irrelevant activity pulling into the reporting results. 

To begin reporting on this at Enterprise level, you will need to make a request of the practices via Apex to view that data. Please see the below steps for actioning this: 
2. Navigate to Settings > Services. This will allow you to view/amend any current Enterprise Service requests. Click on the 'Status' tab along the top to view how many of the viewing organisations are sharing data have actioned/responded to the Enterprise requests.
3. Click the blue 'Add' button to begin creating a new Enterprise service request. Provide a title and description that effectively communicates the nature of the data you're looking to capture, for example, 'All GP Appts' with a description including some detail on what should be included/excluded 'all GP appointment data excluding administration, 111 and list based slot types'.
4. Utilise the check box to determine whether you'd send an email notification of this to practices within your Enterprise. 

Responding to an Enterprise Service at Practice Level

At practice level Apex, once the Enterprise Service request has been made, it will appear as a notification on the homepage. Clicking on this notification will take you into the Settings > Data sharing & Control. 

Before actioning the request, it may be necessary to build a Service that captures the relevant dataset if there is not one already built and defined. Please see this article for a step-by-step description on building a Service.
Once the service has been built and accurately captures the relevant dataset, it can be used for reporting within the Dashboards and Reports as well as linking with Enterprise. 
Navigate to Settings > Services. Click on the the 'Enterprise Services' tab along the top to review requests from Enterprise organisations. 

Click 'Configure' on the Service Request that you would like to action. Within this window, you can choose whether to turn off the request and mark this service as 'not offered' - this may be a suitable choice if, for example, you do not book any Enhanced Access into your appointment book. 
To link a Service to this request however, simply choose it from the drop down menu and click 'Save'. This Service is now shared with your Enterprise to allow aggregate level analytics on appointments offered, etc. 

Please note: individual clinician names will not be shared as part of this activity.  

Establishing a Custom Enhanced Access Report at Enterprise Level

Within the Enterprise view, you can quickly and easily view the status of each organisation and the Services actioned by navigating to Settings > Services and click the 'Status' tab along the top. 

When you have suitable coverage to begin reporting on the Enhanced Access offer, you can begin to establish your Custom report. 
Navigate to Productivity & QI > Custom. Click the blue 'New Report' button. 
Firstly, you will need to determine each section of  the report - each section being associated with a particular Service. You can choose to add multiple sections to the report covering a range of services, which may be beneficial if you have multiple Enhanced Access services, such as: 
      GP Enhanced Access
      ACP Enhanced Access
      Nurse Enhanced Access
      Respiratory Enhanced Access

Once you have added a section, you can then look to add metrics to the report. Each of these represents a data set that can be derived from the Enhanced Access service that has been shared by each organisation, and may include: 
      Count of offered appointments
      Count of booked appointments
      Count of booked appts during Enhanced Access hours
      Percentage of appointments booked
      Total planned time of appts offered (hours)
      Total planned time of appts booked during Enhanced Access hours 
Once you have added the desired metrics, you can then proceed to add a second section if required and any further metrics associated with preceding sections. 
Once you are satisfied with the report structure, click 'Save & View' to run your report. Utilise the time frame options toward the top of the report to specify the desired time period. This report can then be run regularly against a specified time frame and will automatically pull activity via the Services as they are offered and booked on a continued basis. 
Hint: trial and error can be extremely advantageous with custom reporting - we would recommend experimenting with differing metrics and sections to produce a robust, reliable report that you can revisit on a regular basis to save time and quickly review data. 

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