Enterprise | Navigation and Setup Information

Enterprise | Navigation and Setup Information

This article will walk you through the Apex Enterprise product and available benefits, as well as how to configure the system to ensure your data is accurate. The following works on the assumption that the practices within your organisation group have Apex installed and setup (please click here to see further information on the deployment process). 

Chapter 1 | Apex Business Tools & Product Overview

Faced with an aging population, increasing prevalence of long term conditions and growing healthcare costs, our Primary Care services are under increasing pressure to adapt to ensure a successful and viable healthcare service moving forward. Having up to date meaningful, concise information continually available to front line clinical staff and managers is key to supporting service transformation to cope with these pressures. Apex provides essential, accessible data analytics to support Primary Care with a constantly adapting and challenging environment. Apex can support your multi-practice Enterprise to understand your data surrounding access, demand and quality improvement. The tool is simple to use, clearly presented and enables Primary Care services to ensure the alignment of current and future needs of their own population.

      Our Commitment to You:

▪ We are advocates of the NHS and aim to deliver services to transform and sustain services.

▪ We process data on your behalf and only facilitate sharing at your specific request.

Apex can be configured to represent practice appointment books to allow for individual ways of working when reporting across a wide area or a large number of sites. For more information on practice level configuration, please click here

Chapter 2 | Deploying Apex & Establishing Enterprise 

Apex Enterprise can be established across practices who have Apex installed. Deployment of Apex begins with a remote installation of the software on one nominated practice PC. Apex is interoperable with EMIS Web and TPP SystmOne clinical systems. When installed on one nominated PC, Apex runs automatic overnight updates of pseudonomysed appointment data, patient activity information as well as analytics on clinical coding. This PC will need to stay turned on overnight to allow imports.

Apex training is then offered to practices to commission the tool as well as provide a product walkthrough and demonstration. Visit

In order for us to begin and establish an Enterprise view for your PCN, Place or ICB, we will require a signed MOU from each practice authorising data sharing from the practice to the Enterprise. We can provide a Sample MOU for you to customise with your own details. All we need from an Apex perspective is a record of consent to show each practice agrees to share data via the application, but remembering at all times, information is pseudonymised and aggregated to a practice-level - no clinician or patient level information is shared. 

Chapter 3 | Navigating Apex

Log into Apex here. Utilise the main menu on the left-hand side to navigate around Apex. Please note, if you have not yet had your Remote Commissioning session or built any Services, you will not be able to see the full menu pictured. 
Each option in the menu contains a group of Dashboards or Reports that aim to support you with various areas of practice activity, as well as providing varying levels of detail. 

  1. Access and Demand is focused on current utilisation of Services across the Enterprise; this is critical to ensuring effective use of resource and sustainability of access within Primary Care. This includes:
Management Summary 
Appointment Activity
Patient Activity
Appointment Summary
  1. Productivity & QI supports to identify opportunities to improve Service delivery, drive productivity and enhance efficiency, as well as custom reporting for more specific analytics. This includes:
DNA Reporting
Code Analysis 
Custom Reporting
  1. Population Health revolves around the ability to quickly and easily understand your population profile and demographics is core to the ability to plan effective Services to meet your patient needs. This includes: 
Population Profile with a full overview of registered patients, list size trends, care home and housebound figures, demographic and location dataset
Long-Term Condition Prevalence reporting based on coding within your clinical system

Contracts contain the Flu Manager as well as any additional local DES/LES contracts that are enabled for your Enterprise. 
The Covid-19 Toolkit tracks cases of Covid-19 within your registered population, as well as Covid-19 vaccination rollout information. 
All Reports contains each of the Apex reports in one place. 
  1. The Settings allow you to review your user details, review access and permissions, data sharing as well as the data standardisation settings. 
Data is mapped in the form of Services, which are requested within Apex Enterprise and actioned by users at practice level Apex. This article will discuss the process of requesting Enterprise services, for more details on actioning these at practice level - please click here. 

Data Control & Integration contains details on the organisations with links to the Enterprise as well as information on whether their Data Sharing is enabled. For more information on this, please click here

Chapter 4 | Configuring Apex

Please note: you will need System Administrator level access to amend these settings. 

Many of the Apex dashboards and reports are driven by the Service selected in the drop down menu at the top, such as Appointment Activity in Access & Demand. Each Service visible in the Enterprise service menu is associated with a collection of pre-defined searches within each practice level Apex settings. 

To begin requesting Services, navigate to Settings > Services. This will also allow you to review the status of Services that have already been requested. To create a new Service request, click the blue 'Add' button. Provide a description on the appointment data requirements to ensure consistency across organisations as they respond to the request. 

Once you have requested the Service, you can view the status of the practice level configuration by navigating to the 'Status' tab at the top of the page. This will allow you to quickly view which organisations have enabled data sharing and details on Services that have been actioned and shared with Enterprise. 

If at least one practice have shared a Service against an Enterprise request, you will then see this Service visible in the drop down menus in the Apex Dashboards and Reports. Please see this article for further information on what is involved at the practice level Apex to respond to each request

Considerations for Enterprise 

Do you have the quality of data required across your organisation to give meaningful insight?
            For example, if you want to evaluate use of Enhanced Access, are all your users recording Enhanced Access appointments in the same format?
How will you baseline your data?
            For example, what data sets will you use at the beginning of your project to measure effectiveness of Enhanced Access, such as wait times and DNA’s?
What story does your data tell you?
            For example, do you have a high DNA rate already across certain demographics and if so, will you take this into account when analysing the uptake?
What changes are you going to make? 
            For example, are you going to offer certain appointment types to specific groups of patients for specific conditions?
How will you measure the effectiveness of the changes?
            For example, will you use the same data sets you used to baseline the data, or will you add more in, and what are your timescales? 
How can you evaluate your outcomes?
            For example, what outcomes will you expect to see and over what time frame?

Useful Links 

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