Clinical Activity

Clinical Activity

The Clinical Activity report enables you to gain an overview of several elements of clinical activity and actions relating to your patient population.
To view the Clinical Activity report, you will need to configure your patient interaction definition under the settings tab. If you would like to learn more about how to configure your patient interaction, please click here: Clinical and Consultation Data | Patient Interaction.

After you have configured your patient interactions, to run the report, you need to select a period of time that you wish to see the data from. Selecting the drop-down box will offer you a range of pre-set options or you have the option to hand-select the start and end dates by clicking on the calendar icons. The drop-down box on the right offers you the option to view the data based on a single or multiple categories of clinicians. Selecting the small black arrows will break the clinician category into specific roles. (Please note that these categories reflect your clinical system).

The Report

The first part of the report will populate with data surrounding the number of consultations, when they occurred throughout the selected time period, number of consultations per 1000 patients, average per week, per 1000 patients per week and a breakdown of those different types of consultations.

The next section of the dashboard looks into a similar set up as the previous section, but this one looks at the number of outbound referrals and the different types of referrals being made by the group of clinicians selected.

You are then presented with data surrounding the medication issues made (NB: this relates to the number of individual medication items issued, not the number of prescriptions) and they split into the total, the acute and the repeat medication issues. Within each tab you are given information surrounding the total medication issues, issues per 1000 patients, averages, and estimated costs of these issues.

The penultimate section looks at the total number of tests ordered, when they were completed, averages, number of test orders per 1000 patients and per 1000 patients per week.

The final section looks at the activity of individual users based on consultations, referrals, medication issues and test orders. This table has subcategories looking at the counts and the averages within each section. The table can be ordered  by clicking on the arrows next to the headers. In addition, you can search for a specific session holder by using the search field in the top right corner of this section.

If you would like to learn more about the Code Analysis report, we highly recommend you sign up to our Module 4 webinar which looks at maximising Apex for clinicians by clicking here:  Module 4 | Maximising Apex for Clinicians

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