

The Reattendance report allows you to look at the frequent attenders to your practice. This enables you to understand trends and highlight those patients who are returning to try and reduce reattendance and free up the number of appointments available to your patients.

To run the report, select a time that you wish to see the data from and to. Selecting the drop-down box will offer you a range of pre-set options or you have the option to hand-select the start and end dates by clicking on the calendar icons.
The next parameter you can set is to select the service you wish to populate the dashboard with. If you would like to learn more about how to build and amend services, please click here: Appointment Data | Building and Amending Services. Additionally, you have the option to run this report based on an individual clinician. Please bear in mind that the list of clinicians is dependent on the service you have selected.

The Report

The report will populate with information surrounding:
  1. Average attendance per patient
  2. The number of unique patients (attended at least once)
  3. Total attended appointments 
  4. How many patients attended more than once 
  5. The percentage of frequent attenders (a patient who has had 3 or more appointments within a 3-month period)

You are provided with data looking at the patient attendance and how that is broken down based on how many patients attended a certain number of appointments. You can then analyse the trend of the percentage of appointments with a following appointment by the return period. You can see how these trends have fluctuated over time.  

Patient Profile reveals the different cohorts that make up the frequent attenders by breaking down the age, sex, ethnicity and long-term conditions of the patients that most frequently use this service.

In addition, you are provided a list of your top 100 patients who have reattended most frequently. The data we provide in Apex is pseudonymised and therefore you can identify these by patients by referring to your appointment book.

Selecting the Apex No. will prompt a pop-up box containing that patient’s appointment history. If you cross reference this with your appointment book and check to see who had that specific appointment, you will be able to identify the individual in question.

Please be aware, the count refers to the number of attendances within the service you have selected. The Patient Appointment Breakdown will show all the appointments the patient has attended, and the Appointment Trend will show the total number of appointments they have attended with each Clinician group.

There is a further bar chart which looks at Continuity of Care based on selections you made at the top of this report. On the far-right side, you have the option to tick/untick to populate the chart based on the number of attendances you wish to look at. The below example is looking at data surrounding patients who have attended 5 times. The x-axis shows the number of unique session holders seen. Therefore, by hovering over the middle bar, the numbers show that 390 patients (or 34.8% of patients) with 5 attendances saw 3 different session holders. The lower number of unique sessions holders seen, the higher the continuity of care.

The last section of the report looks at data surrounding appointments where the following appointment is within 28 days. You are equipped with data surrounding your individual clinicians, providing you the opportunity to analyse if patients are returning within 28 days and if they are seeing the same clinician or a different clinician. 

If you would like to learn more about the Reattendance report, we highly recommend you sign up to our Module 1 & 2 webinar session by clicking here Book Your Core Training | Modules 1 and 2 | Introducing Demand Management & System Configuration


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