Case Study: Primary Care Resilience Programme Reducing DNAs Across GP and Nurse Appointments

Case Study: Primary Care Resilience Programme Reducing DNAs Across GP and Nurse Appointments

Tower Hamlets
Primary Care Resilience Programme

What was our problem?

We wanted to reduce Did Not Attend (DNA) rates for GP practices who were part of our resilience programme. A GP appointment costs around £45 pound and a nurse appointment costs £20. Over the course of the year the DNAs across the programme accounted for £1, 563, 750 of lost capacity.  A 40% reduction in DNAs would equate to £626,000 in released capacity. 

Understanding how patients interact with appointments

Over the course of the programme the team used APEX information to show patient activity, DNA data and how patients interact with different appointment systems. 

Benefits to Primary Care

Throughout the course of the programme there has been a 20% reduction in time lost through DNAs for GP appointments. This equates to a saving of around £244,000 per year. Through DNAs for nurse appointments which equates to a saving of around £97,000 per year. 

To find supporting data, navigate to Productivity & QI > Did Not Attend (DNA).