Enhanced Access

Enhanced Access

The Enhanced Access Reporting allows automated regular reporting of your enhanced access provision in line with your practice’s individual definition and contractual agreements. The report is easily accessible and simple to interpret; however, there is some key configuration required initially to ensure your report is accurate and inclusive of all relevant activities.


Navigate to Settings > General Settings > Click on the Enhanced Access Configuration along the top.

This will allow you to specify the time ranges that your Enhanced Access activity takes place, depending on your local setup and delivery.

Click on the blue ‘Add Time Range’ button. Firstly, you will have the ability to specify the day of the week and specific time frame where Enhanced Access is counted. Such as Mondays 06:00am – 08:00am. 

Secondly, you can specify which slot types or session categories that are used within that time frame relate to Enhanced Access.

Analysis and Implementation 

Once you have completed the configuration, the Enhanced Access dashboard allows you to view your activity based on the standard Enhanced contract hours (Mon – Fri, 18:30 – 20:00 and Sat 09:00 – 17:00 as well as the specific timings you have selected. 

You can then select the period you want to view, and the specific service you want to look at Enhanced Access data for. 

Throughout the dashboard, you are provided with data around the Enhanced Access appointments you are offering within your practice. The report allows you to view Average Enhanced Access Time and Slots Offered each week, Total numbers of Offered appointments, Booked on the Same Day and Unused appointments.

Booked Appointments shows the number of Patients Seen within Enhanced Access times, DNAs and the Modes of Contacts Used for the service.

A more detailed analysis of Unused appointments is shown as a day and time breakdown to allow you to analyse the utilisation of your Enhanced Access appointments and how you can look to offer appointments moving forward.

Reattendance, Average Waiting Times (a comparison between Enhanced Access and Routine) and the split between Contracted Vs. Configuration appointments are shown. Further down the dashboard a Workforce Breakdown identifies how you are offering appointments by clinician group, which can subsequently be broken down by individual clinician. At the bottom of the dashboard, there is a summary of the patient demographics including patient Age and Sex, Long Term Conditions and Ethnicity to allow you to understand the types of patients using the service and how you can offer appointments moving forward.

If you would like to learn more about the Enhanced Access report, we highly recommend you sign up to our Module 5 webinar which looks at Understanding & Optimising your Organisation

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