Clinician Appraisal

Clinician Appraisal

The Apex Clinician Appraisal Report allows you to view data which relates to you as an individual or a group of clinicians. Data can then be viewed comparatively in an easily digestible format, with the option to add two comparators, either individuals or groups of clinicians, before exporting the report in a PDF format for use offline and in appraisal submissions.
You can find the Clinician Appraisal Report by navigating to Clinician Toolkit > Clinician Appraisal Report. 

Configuring your Appraisal Report

When you first login to the Clinician Appraisal Report in Apex, you will be asked to select a Subject, using the pop-up dialogue box. NB: If you Apex account is configured to you as a Session Holder, your first column will automatically select your profile by default.

A screenshot of a medical groupDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Within the Apex Subject selection menu, you have four options to select from;
Individual Clinicians by name.
GP Groups, including; GP, Permanent GPs (excludes Locums), Qualified GPs (excludes Registrars), General Medical Practitioner, GP Registrar, Locum, Principal or Salaried General Practitioner.
Nurse Groups, including; Nurse / Midwife, Community Practitioner, Midwife, Nurse Manager, Nurse Specialist, Practice Nurse.
Other Groups, including; Clerical Worker, Community Administrator, Consultant, Healthcare Assistant, Pharmacist, Phlebotomist, Psychiatrist.
You can filter this list of clinicians to more recent users, by selecting the ‘Active in Last Three Months’ option.
Once you have made your first selection, select ‘Refresh Data’ and this Clinician or Group will populate the left-hand column of your Appraisal Report.
Each time you add a new column or amend selections in the Appraisal Report, you will need to select ‘Refresh Data’ to update the report.

The second element of configuration to your report is the duration; and this can be edited by clicking on the current date range at the top of the left-hand column, which presents the following dialogue.

By default the date range will select the Last Quarter, but within your drop-down menu you can select down to an individual month level or up to years, depending on the scope of your reporting.

Weekly averages are calculated by using the total metric divided by the number of weeks worked by the selected Clinician(s).
The final optional element of configuration to your report is to add comparators and when you click on the Add Comparison option below, it will present the same dialogue as previously seen to select either a Clinician or Groups of Clincians to compare your initial subject to. This step can be repeated twice to add two separate comparators.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with low confidence
As you scroll through the Clinician Appraisal Report, more information on the majority of metrics can be viewed by using the Show/Hide Breakdown toggles beneath the metric on the left-hand column. You will also find the ability to see how your selected clinician ranks in the practice and a full breakdown of rankings can be accessed by clicked on the rank displayed.

If you wish to Export the Clinician Appraisal Report, you can do so by selecting the Export button in the top right of the screen, which will download a PDF file in your browser.
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