Appointment Activity

Appointment Activity

The Appointment Activity dashboard provides an overview of some key metrics regarding appointment utilisation, access and capacity, DNAs and an introduction to individual clinician activity within the practice.
To run the report, you need to select a time period that you wish to see the data from. Selecting the drop-down box will offer you a range of pre-set options or you have the option to hand-select the start and end dates by clicking on the calendar icons.

N.B. Any searches within Apex are dependent on the configuration of each Service and the streaming status from your clinical system.

Next, select the service you want to populate the dashboard with. If you would like to learn more about creating Services, please find our article on Building and Amending Services

The Report

You are initially provided with an overview of the number of appointments that have been Offered, Booked, Attended and Not-Booked by your practice based on the time and service you have selected.

Below this you can see how these metrics have trended over time and, if you hover over any of the points on the line graph, you are provided with the figures for a particular week (if you look at a period over 30 days) or days (if looking at 30 days or less). Alongside this, you will see the average appointments Offered, Booked, Attended and Not-Booked broken down into AM, PM and Enhanced Access.

Appointments Offered per-1000 patients / Week and the number of appointments Booked on the Same Day (note that this data starts populating from when Apex is installed at your practice).

You are then shown an overview surrounding DNAs. However, we do have a DNA dashboard that allows you to understand this in more detail. You can access our guide on the DNA Report here.

You can then view how you offer these appointments by the Mode of Contact, which is based on your configuration in Apex. If you need assistance on how to configure your Mode of Contact, please find our article here.​​​​​

In addition, we also provide a short insight into your Enhanced Access data which Apex identifies as any bookable slots done outside of the NHS standard contract hours (Mon-Fri, 18:30-20:00 and Sat, 09:00-17:00), as well as any configuration set up within Apex. We have a separate Enhanced Access dashboard that looks into this in more detail. You can access our guide on the Enhanced Access dashboard by clicking here.

Other metrics on this dashboard include :

  1. Average Patient Waiting Times (for EMIS practices, if this isn’t populated, please check the Data Status on the Home Screen to check whether your Extract data is streaming)
  2. Average 3rd Available Slot Time (populated from the day Apex is installed).

At the bottom of the dashboard is a summary of activity by the clinicians included within the service you are viewing. The columns can be sorted into descending/ascending order as well as being able to search for a specific clinician.

If you would like to learn more about the Appointment Activity dashboard, we highly recommend you sign up to one of our Module 1 & 2 webinar sessions by clicking here: Core Training | Modules 1 and 2 | Introducing Demand Management & System Configuration

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