Case Study: A Primary Care Organisation Reporting Across Care Community of 7 GP practices

Case Study: A Primary Care Organisation Reporting Across Care Community of 7 GP practices

Dr Neil Paul, Clinical Director
SMASH Care Community

How do you measure across a group of practices?

We wanted to know how you can firstly understand and secondly measure across a group of GP practices. Often practices compare in terms of list size but this is only scratching the surface in terms of differences between practices. We wanted to be able to understand our practice differences and then decided what measurement we believed formed best practice.

Aggregating data to network level

APEX has a wealth of practice-level data that can be aggregated to network level. APEX demonstrates fascinating variances between practices, primarily in their use of the appointment system. 

Understanding capacity and demand at network level

Some projects often involve lots of manual data collection to understand demand and capacity. APEX provides this across one networked view. We use the live data that we get from APEX to inform our own form of consultancy within our care community. 

To find this data, log into APEX at Enterprise level for your PCN, Place or ICB and navigate to Access & Demand > Appointment Activity.